Monday, November 12, 2007

Weight Loss - Weight Loss

In today's society to many people are turning to fad diets and supplements to lose weight which in the long run are harmful and a waste of money. As a certified trainer and fitness expert in weight loss I am here to tell you the ultimate secret to losing those unwanted pounds. From the beginning of time the human body was designed to take in good quality foods and burn them as fuel for energy. Overtime our bodies have been exposed to enormous amounts of toxins from pesticides, preservatives to car exhaust. The human body can handle a lot of stress but this type of burden just puts it over the edge. When you ingest foods that are processed and loaded with preservatives you hamper your fat burning ability. These chemicals compromise the digestive system and do not completely breakdown properly. These toxins eventually build up and get stored in adipose (fat) tissue.

The food industry is geared towards mass production and the end result is poor quality food making it harder to lose weight. So what can you do to get your health on track? You must first switch off of all processed refined carbs (ie. pies, pastries, cookies, sodas etc.) and avoid foods high in sodium (sodium has been used as a preservative for centuries). Next, eat as if you live on a farm and only eat foods as natural and raw (fruits and veggies) as possible. Eat 6-7 small meals a day to keep your metabolism moving and drink half your body weight in water a day (ex. 200 pnd person should aim for 100 oz a day). The body perceives starving as stress which raises cortisol which in turn causes weight gain. Remember: No eating = no metabolism = no fat loss. Do not overeat because this will cause to much insulin to be released and too much insulin floating around increases weight gain. Eat complex carbs (ex. brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potato) and exercise 20-30 mins 4x a week, I can't stress enough that a body in motion stays in motion and exercises increases fat expenditure and speeds up your metabolism.

International Sports Science Association Certified Trainer
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