Monday, November 12, 2007

Weight Loss - Natural Food for Weight Loss

Thinking of going through a diet regime to shed off the excess pounds? You might be thinking of trying out those energy bars and diet pills to help boost your weight loss. But before you fire up your browser and start looking for diet products, there is a better - and safer - alternative. Many doctors are now encouraging going natural. That is, eating organic or natural food for weight loss.

The dangers of diet products

Nowadays, many specialists are discouraging the intake of diet pills and products. This is due to the recent discovery that diet pills, although work in the short term, are rejected by the body as time passes.

Scientists have found out that the body develops immunity against these diet pills, causing them to become ineffective in just six months. What's more, most, if not all, diet pills carry with them serious and uncomfortable side effects. Some work as laxatives, purging the body of all the so-called unwanted fats. While others claim to make the brain believe that it is already full.

Nevertheless, the US FDA has begun a crack down on fraudulent diet pills, which already became a lucrative billion dollar industry.

Go natural

There is a healthier and safer way to weight loss. Many are now encouraging eating natural food for weight loss. Natural food for weight loss is found in your neighborhood market, and does not contain any additives or chemicals that will pollute the body.

In dieting, the requirements for a healthy weight loss should include the following:

? Fresh natural food

? Nutritionally dense

? High in fiber

? Low in calories

? Low in fat

? Low in refined sugars

Examples Some of the examples of natural food for weight loss are as follows:

? Fruit

? Vegetables

? Legumes

? Wholegrain foods (muesli, oatmeal, whole meal pasta, etc)

? Baked potato

? Boiled brown rice

? Fresh fish

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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Weight Loss - Tips to Healthy, Natural Weight Loss

Here are some helpful tips to healthy, natural weight loss: Eat small meals and eat frequently Three meals a day may be what you're used to eating - but that is not the way to lose those extra pounds. You are born with a natural weight set's not talked about much because basically the diet, drug, supplement, and weight loss surgery industries don't want you to know about it. The fact is that hoodia in its natural state might actually work as a decent appetite suppressant (although that doesn't necessarily mean it will help with permanent weight loss).

Serotain supports your weight-loss program by enhancing your mood in a natural way. L-Carnitine - This natural compound has several functions as an ingredient in herbal weight loss products and energy enhancing supplements. It can be found between the natural supplements for weight loss, however, methylxanthines have a negative effect on the overall health of the body,although is natural, especially when taken in large quantities for long periods of time.

Herbal weight loss products have been in great demand for people who want to lose weight the natural way. Just as using our bodies as nature intended can help with weight loss, our lives today are unnatural, causing the natural processes of the body to go awry. Anyone who exercises fitness choices on a daily basis, no matter what form these take will experience an enhanced quality of life, a greater sense of vitality and well being, and natural weight loss without excessively restrictive diets.

When you say natural weight loss means that you do not have to use some accessories or helpful aids just to lose weight. By buying natural unprocessed foods like fresh fruits and vegetables and fresh meats, you can eat in a way that's more healthy overall as well as helpful to weight loss. Tips to remember:

? Be active as much as possible
? Take time out for yourself
? Try and routinely do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 3-4 times a week
? Cut out sugar and sugary foods
? Get used to naturally sweetened foods such as figs and grapes, and raw vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes
? Replace desserts with fresh fruit or have a salad starter instead
? Avoid carbohydrate dense foods throughout the day
? Drink part fruit juice and part water to increase fluid intake
? If you're a new Mum, remember breast is best for natural weight loss.

Guy Katir
Are you tired of those Diet plans that you've been doing but still no results? Then discover our new way of slimming, without dieting!

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Weight Loss - Dirty Weight Loss Trick Beats Fat Burning Plateau

Are you sabotaging your own results with the wrong fat burning mindset? Find out how you can improve your self image, and lose fat faster.

I once had a training partner that would put more weight on the bar than I expected. For example, if I planned to do 200 lbs for 8 reps, he would sneak on 210.

And the thing is, I often ended up doing it just as easily as I expected to do 200.

The point to his dirty trick?

He knew I was stronger than I let my mind believe.

(Note: Don't try this at home. He was also spotting me during each repetition.)

But how can you benefit from this dirty trick?

2 ways.

1) Change your mindset and self-image. If you are stuck at a fat loss plateau and keep telling yourself you are meant to be fat, then guess what? You'll never win.

Instead, tell yourself you are meant to lose the fat. And believe it when you say it! Picture yourself with a better body. Picture yourself buying clothes for your new, better body.

Here's a great example of a fat burning mindset shift mentioned by SteveH on the member's forum...

"Yesterday's eating went well. I even resisted a plate of fries and didn't order the burger I was wanting. I used the mindset that Craig mentioned - "I am a healthy person. Healthy people don't eat Burgers and Fries". So I got a turkey sandwich with steamed veggies."

Having a strong, positive thinking attitude will put you on the road to success.

2) Break a new record in the gym each workout.

Your body won't change if you aren't improving. My friend's dirty trick ensured that I was always doing more each workout, and therefore, always making gains.

So for your fat loss workout, pick one area you can improve on each workout. Whether it's one more pushup, a faster interval, or 5 more pounds on an exercise, break a record and you'll bust your plateau.

Train for performance, and the fat burning will follow.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

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Weight Loss - Weight Loss by Hypnosis

Weight loss by hypnosis has recently exploded as an effective way to lose weight. Case studies and examples range from an average woman who lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks with almost no effort, to the obese woman who lost nearly an astounding 95 pounds just from using weight loss by hypnosis techniques.

Weight loss by hypnosis works by using subconscious suggestions. These suggestions can range from making a certain food undesirable, to suggesting to the body's self-image that you really are a slim person.

While weight loss by hypnosis is a great way to trim the pounds, most hypnotherapists don't hail it as the end-all-be-all. Effective weight loss by hypnosis is best when taken together with a great diet, an ample amount of water, and good rest. Although hypnosis is a great way to lose weight, having that extra serving of desert after every meal isn't going to help. Fortunately, hypnosis can help reinforce those behaviors as well. In fact, clients of weight loss by hypnosis often report that things just "fall into place." Their eating patterns naturally changed to a much healthier diet, without mental struggling.

The key to weight loss by hypnosis, just like any other weight loss program, is the desire for the change you're working on. Hypnosis can help get those pounds off, but you do have to do your share as well.

To get started, consider visiting your local hypnotherapist for an introductory session about weight loss by hypnosis. Although this is considerably more expensive than a home study course, you will receive tailored attention to your needs, diet, and habits. For example, if you've tried other diets but constantly find yourself quitting halfway through, this may be something that a hypnotherapist could address in person, which couldn't be covered in a CD or tape. Another example would be if you're constantly tempted by a specific kind of food, he or she could tailor your sessions to tackling that habit - Again, something that a CD wouldn't cover. Generally a client can expect permanent weight loss results by about 2 months of once a week visits.

If the cost of going to an in-person hypnotherapist is too expensive, online weight loss by hypnosis CDs may be another cost-effective option. These are pre-recorded CDs designed to subconsciously help you lose weight. Oftentimes they're not only vocal, but have a hypnotic background designed to put you into trace. (CDs with these backgrounds, called "Binaural Beats," should not be listened to while driving a car.)

Weight loss by hypnosis is a very powerful method to lose weight.

Warning! Learn more about hypnosis before you continue. Discover more powerful tips and little-known secrets about hypnosis at:

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