Monday, November 12, 2007

Weight Loss - Natural Food for Weight Loss

Thinking of going through a diet regime to shed off the excess pounds? You might be thinking of trying out those energy bars and diet pills to help boost your weight loss. But before you fire up your browser and start looking for diet products, there is a better - and safer - alternative. Many doctors are now encouraging going natural. That is, eating organic or natural food for weight loss.

The dangers of diet products

Nowadays, many specialists are discouraging the intake of diet pills and products. This is due to the recent discovery that diet pills, although work in the short term, are rejected by the body as time passes.

Scientists have found out that the body develops immunity against these diet pills, causing them to become ineffective in just six months. What's more, most, if not all, diet pills carry with them serious and uncomfortable side effects. Some work as laxatives, purging the body of all the so-called unwanted fats. While others claim to make the brain believe that it is already full.

Nevertheless, the US FDA has begun a crack down on fraudulent diet pills, which already became a lucrative billion dollar industry.

Go natural

There is a healthier and safer way to weight loss. Many are now encouraging eating natural food for weight loss. Natural food for weight loss is found in your neighborhood market, and does not contain any additives or chemicals that will pollute the body.

In dieting, the requirements for a healthy weight loss should include the following:

? Fresh natural food

? Nutritionally dense

? High in fiber

? Low in calories

? Low in fat

? Low in refined sugars

Examples Some of the examples of natural food for weight loss are as follows:

? Fruit

? Vegetables

? Legumes

? Wholegrain foods (muesli, oatmeal, whole meal pasta, etc)

? Baked potato

? Boiled brown rice

? Fresh fish

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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Weight Loss - Tips to Healthy, Natural Weight Loss

Here are some helpful tips to healthy, natural weight loss: Eat small meals and eat frequently Three meals a day may be what you're used to eating - but that is not the way to lose those extra pounds. You are born with a natural weight set's not talked about much because basically the diet, drug, supplement, and weight loss surgery industries don't want you to know about it. The fact is that hoodia in its natural state might actually work as a decent appetite suppressant (although that doesn't necessarily mean it will help with permanent weight loss).

Serotain supports your weight-loss program by enhancing your mood in a natural way. L-Carnitine - This natural compound has several functions as an ingredient in herbal weight loss products and energy enhancing supplements. It can be found between the natural supplements for weight loss, however, methylxanthines have a negative effect on the overall health of the body,although is natural, especially when taken in large quantities for long periods of time.

Herbal weight loss products have been in great demand for people who want to lose weight the natural way. Just as using our bodies as nature intended can help with weight loss, our lives today are unnatural, causing the natural processes of the body to go awry. Anyone who exercises fitness choices on a daily basis, no matter what form these take will experience an enhanced quality of life, a greater sense of vitality and well being, and natural weight loss without excessively restrictive diets.

When you say natural weight loss means that you do not have to use some accessories or helpful aids just to lose weight. By buying natural unprocessed foods like fresh fruits and vegetables and fresh meats, you can eat in a way that's more healthy overall as well as helpful to weight loss. Tips to remember:

? Be active as much as possible
? Take time out for yourself
? Try and routinely do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 3-4 times a week
? Cut out sugar and sugary foods
? Get used to naturally sweetened foods such as figs and grapes, and raw vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes
? Replace desserts with fresh fruit or have a salad starter instead
? Avoid carbohydrate dense foods throughout the day
? Drink part fruit juice and part water to increase fluid intake
? If you're a new Mum, remember breast is best for natural weight loss.

Guy Katir
Are you tired of those Diet plans that you've been doing but still no results? Then discover our new way of slimming, without dieting!

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Weight Loss - Dirty Weight Loss Trick Beats Fat Burning Plateau

Are you sabotaging your own results with the wrong fat burning mindset? Find out how you can improve your self image, and lose fat faster.

I once had a training partner that would put more weight on the bar than I expected. For example, if I planned to do 200 lbs for 8 reps, he would sneak on 210.

And the thing is, I often ended up doing it just as easily as I expected to do 200.

The point to his dirty trick?

He knew I was stronger than I let my mind believe.

(Note: Don't try this at home. He was also spotting me during each repetition.)

But how can you benefit from this dirty trick?

2 ways.

1) Change your mindset and self-image. If you are stuck at a fat loss plateau and keep telling yourself you are meant to be fat, then guess what? You'll never win.

Instead, tell yourself you are meant to lose the fat. And believe it when you say it! Picture yourself with a better body. Picture yourself buying clothes for your new, better body.

Here's a great example of a fat burning mindset shift mentioned by SteveH on the member's forum...

"Yesterday's eating went well. I even resisted a plate of fries and didn't order the burger I was wanting. I used the mindset that Craig mentioned - "I am a healthy person. Healthy people don't eat Burgers and Fries". So I got a turkey sandwich with steamed veggies."

Having a strong, positive thinking attitude will put you on the road to success.

2) Break a new record in the gym each workout.

Your body won't change if you aren't improving. My friend's dirty trick ensured that I was always doing more each workout, and therefore, always making gains.

So for your fat loss workout, pick one area you can improve on each workout. Whether it's one more pushup, a faster interval, or 5 more pounds on an exercise, break a record and you'll bust your plateau.

Train for performance, and the fat burning will follow.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

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Weight Loss - Weight Loss by Hypnosis

Weight loss by hypnosis has recently exploded as an effective way to lose weight. Case studies and examples range from an average woman who lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks with almost no effort, to the obese woman who lost nearly an astounding 95 pounds just from using weight loss by hypnosis techniques.

Weight loss by hypnosis works by using subconscious suggestions. These suggestions can range from making a certain food undesirable, to suggesting to the body's self-image that you really are a slim person.

While weight loss by hypnosis is a great way to trim the pounds, most hypnotherapists don't hail it as the end-all-be-all. Effective weight loss by hypnosis is best when taken together with a great diet, an ample amount of water, and good rest. Although hypnosis is a great way to lose weight, having that extra serving of desert after every meal isn't going to help. Fortunately, hypnosis can help reinforce those behaviors as well. In fact, clients of weight loss by hypnosis often report that things just "fall into place." Their eating patterns naturally changed to a much healthier diet, without mental struggling.

The key to weight loss by hypnosis, just like any other weight loss program, is the desire for the change you're working on. Hypnosis can help get those pounds off, but you do have to do your share as well.

To get started, consider visiting your local hypnotherapist for an introductory session about weight loss by hypnosis. Although this is considerably more expensive than a home study course, you will receive tailored attention to your needs, diet, and habits. For example, if you've tried other diets but constantly find yourself quitting halfway through, this may be something that a hypnotherapist could address in person, which couldn't be covered in a CD or tape. Another example would be if you're constantly tempted by a specific kind of food, he or she could tailor your sessions to tackling that habit - Again, something that a CD wouldn't cover. Generally a client can expect permanent weight loss results by about 2 months of once a week visits.

If the cost of going to an in-person hypnotherapist is too expensive, online weight loss by hypnosis CDs may be another cost-effective option. These are pre-recorded CDs designed to subconsciously help you lose weight. Oftentimes they're not only vocal, but have a hypnotic background designed to put you into trace. (CDs with these backgrounds, called "Binaural Beats," should not be listened to while driving a car.)

Weight loss by hypnosis is a very powerful method to lose weight.

Warning! Learn more about hypnosis before you continue. Discover more powerful tips and little-known secrets about hypnosis at:

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Weight Loss - The Mediterranean Diet Menu - 5 Shopping Tips

The first step to starting the Mediterranean Diet is to do a little shopping. While you don't need a pantry full of exotic ingredients, chances are you will need to tweak your shopping habits. Here are a few shopping tips to help you create your very own Mediterranean Diet menu plan.

1. Fruits and Vegetables

To avoid diving straight into the aisles where most processed foods are sold, start in your grocer's produce section and work your way around the outside of the store. Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables that are locally grown. These will be fresher and taste better than the stuff that is picked unripe and shipped from hundreds or thousands of miles away. Many people discover a new love of fruits or vegetables once they taste ones that have just been picked and delivered. Buy organic whenever you can to avoid the potential health risks associated with pesticides.

2. Bread

In France it's common to pop down to the corner bakery for a fresh croissant or baguette every morning. If you're fortunate to live close to a good bakery, buy your bread fresh and as often as possible. Buy less bread than you need since fresh bread goes stale more quickly. While many grocery stores now have in-house bakeries, their breads are often filled with preservatives, sugars and hydrogenated oils. Just make sure to check the ingredients carefully. Whole grain breads are also healthier and more satisfying and filling, so stock up on other breads besides croissants and baguettes.

3. Fish

Most grocery stores have fresh fish departments that rival the fish mongers in days of old. Wild-caught fish are healthier choices than farm-raised varieties for many reasons. Studies have shown that farm-raised fish contain almost 20 times more toxins like PCBs than wild varieties. Farm-raised fish are also often injected with dyes and colorings to make them look as hearty as their wild companions. The healthiest fish are cold water varieties such as salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, halibut, herring, sardines and anchovies.

4. Dairy

Whole fat dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt and sour cream are part of a good Mediterranean Diet menu. Not only does whole fat taste better than low-fat dairy, it's also more satisfying which makes it less likely that you'll overeat. Choose organic whenever you can to avoid the cocktail of chemicals and hormones that end up in conventional dairy products.

5. Meat

Lean meats such as poultry and pork can be eaten regularly on the Mediterranean Diet, although you should limit beef to only once or twice a month. Many grocery stores offer special sections for natural meats which can cost more than the conventional varieties. Choose free-range meats that have not been treated with hormones or antibiotics. Otherwise you'll be eating more than you bargained for.

You can find more shopping tips including 5 Kitchen Essentials for the Mediterranean Diet at, a popular site for Mediterranean Diet tips, menu plans, quick recipes and more.

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Weight Loss - Can Herbal Weight Loss Pills Really Help You Lose Weight

Allopathic medicines and pills for weight loss are often associated with toxins and side effects. Therefore most of the people are, generally, reluctant to take them. Herbal weight loss pills, as the name suggests, are made from organic plants and herbs which have medicinal properties. They are considered safe, efficacious and without side effects. In any case, even if they do not do any good, it generally does not do any harm either.

What are some of the benefits of herbal weight loss pills? Herbal plants grow naturally in the lap of raw, primal nature in wild and mountainous areas. Of course they can be transplanted and recycled in the nurseries, but their basic properties remain unaltered.

Obesity or being overweight is becoming a worldwide epidemic. It is more prevalent in affluent countries and spreading fast in countries which are growing economically. Although weight loss herbs should be taken as closely to their original natural form as possible, their tastes and odors are quite often odious and unbearable. They are, therefore, converted into pills for easy ingestion.

Herbal pills are more affordable than allopathic pills as their manufacturing and processing is not as complicated as their allopathic counterparts. They also tend to be fairly fast acting.

Herbal weight loss pills can fight the overweight problems created by eating foods with excess fats and carbohydrates. They can even help in genetically inherited hormonal disorders leading to obesity. They work faster and can be made tasty as well. They give you pleasant feeling, and reduce craving for food in a natural way which leads to weight loss in shorter span of time.

Herbal weight loss pills are rich in vital vitamins, proteins and other nutrients. They can be good dietary supplements and even perfect dietary substitutes. They are also good substitutes for artificial products such as laxatives, diet drinks and so on. They stimulate natural thermo-genesis which improves the metabolic action in your system that burns extra calories in the body and converts food into energy. When thermo-genesis is combined with the ingestion of appetite suppressants, you achieve the weight loss faster.

However, you need to use a little caution when taking herbal weight loss pills. It must be noted that they should be taken only after your BMI or Body Mass Index crosses the prescribed level with respect to your body. Taking them as a preventive step without considering the critical BMI level may cause certain reactions that may prove harmful to your body rather then benefiting it.

There are several companies that manufacture herbal weigh loss pills under different brand names and different shapes. The drug that you are about to take should have undergone sufficient clinical tests and should have shown positive results.

Herbal weight loss pills are of two types, prescriptive and non-prescriptive. The former are obviously prescribed by the doctor and should only be taken under his instructions. Most of the various pills are usually non-prescriptive and are easily available over the counter from any pharmacy outlet working under minimal FDA guidelines. Some of these non-prescriptive herbal brands are produced by companies such as Herbalife and Metalife.

It is, however, advisable to take any herbal weight loss pill-both prescriptive and non-prescriptive under the advice of a qualified doctor.

There are lots of ways to lose weight, so don't get discouraged, get help. For weight loss tips for real people go to and get reliable information for achieving weight loss. For additional information about a weight loss program that really works, please go to Healthy Weight Loss Review.

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Weight Loss - The Cost of LA Weight Loss Program- Is it Worth It?

The cost of LA weight loss program can be very high, especially if you have special needs or suffer from extreme weight problems. Not all of them will work for all patients, so it's important to choose wisely. However, if you think that the program can be effective for you, then the cost of LA weight loss program can be worth it.

The skinny on the LA weight loss program
Most LA Weight Loss programs are center-based. This means that you come in for a free assessment, where you get weighed and evaluated. The center will then design a program specifically for your weight loss needs and goals. All programs are individualized based on the findings from your weight and health evaluation.

What you're paying for
The cost of LA weight loss program usually includes the food plan designed by your doctor or dietitian. Some centers also provide the food and supplements, although these usually cost more. Other fees include consultation (although initial consults are usually free), use of equipment, and laboratory exams.

The food
Ideally, your LA weight loss center will recommend locally available foods and should not encourage you to starve yourself. The LA Weight Loss Center does not tolerate starvation diets; rather, it promotes healthy eating not only to lose weight but to improve one's general well-being. Some programs even encourage you to eat at your favorite fast foods and restaurants.

Losing weight
The program claims that their clients can lose weight around 2 to 3 times faster compared to other weight loss programs and fad diets. Some even say that the high cost of LA Weight Loss program is nothing by the time you experience its positive effects on weight loss. Various clients claim to have lost from 23lbs to 90lbs while participating in the program. They do this without giving up their favorite foods, so it's a largely effortless and fun at the same time.

What to watch out for
The cost of LA Weight Loss program tends to turn away a lot of customers. While the cost of LA Weight Loss program relies on the kind of weight loss plan given to you, the prices rarely go below $200, and it's not uncommon for an entire program to cost more than $1,000. Even when some programs claim to provide free consultations, some people claim to have been charged hundreds of dollars upon sign-up.

More problems
Unfortunately for many, the cost of LA Weight Loss program makes it practically exclusive to the wealthhy. Some say you are only required to pay $6 a day, but costs may rise up to $24 or even more. Mid- to high-end centers may charge up to $1,000 a month. This is because they try to determine how fast you can lose weight and how many weeks it can take for you to do so. Such tests require several weeks of observation before you actually go for weight loss.

More costs
In some cases, you may also have to pay for a month of stabilization and a year's worth of maintenance. The costs may be added to your daily or weekly fees to make them more bearable. However, the costs do not stop there. You may also need to buy the center's own supplements pr products, which are often overpriced. While these are usually optional, they are still highly recommended for more effective results. Some centers give you a fixed initial supply, but you'll have to replenish them on your own.

More complaints
Some clients say that to be able to make the program work for them, they were still required to buy the special snack foods, shakes and health supplements. The total cost for these add-ons can go up to $200 or more. Other complaints are related to the counselors working in the weight loss centers. Some clients even reveal that they are actually former clients-turned-counselors, although they have no background in nutrition at all.

The bottom line
Going on a diet does not have to be very costly. In fact, you can lose weight without soending a poenny by doing it the natural way: through proper diet and exercise. However, if you still find the LA Weight Loss program effective and worth every penny spent, then give it a try. Otherwise, try another weight loss program. After all, there are a lot of other options available.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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Weight Loss - Who Is Kimmer - Inventor of the Kimkins Diet?

She used her own diet and is an inspiration to obese people everywhere. She did everything the wrong way like most people when trying to lose weight on other diet programs, yo-yoing up and down in a cycle of weight loss and weight gain that seemed endless. Her life was cyclic and she was on the diet treadmill to nowhere.

She tried all the diet plans out there before formulating her own. She took what was best in all the diets she'd tried and came up with her own weight loss strategy that combined the best of each. She has created one of the most effective, fast, easy-to-follow weight loss programs out there suitable for busy people, vegetarians and people on a budget.

You can eat.

The Kimkins system is broken down into five different models that fit every kind of lifestyle. It is simple in design and there are no complicated formulas or criteria to meet in order to be successful.

Kimmer spends her days cruising the web, checking out the various Kimkin diet forums and giving advice and encouragement to all of her subscribers. She has been featured in many magazines and her Kimkins members, Christin and (Deni), appeared as models and success stories in an issue of Woman's World. That's the public awareness of Kimkins that's on the rise.

Kimmer first changed her life through combining the best of weight loss diet plans had to offer. Her vision and ability combined to set up a venue that is helping thousands accomplish their weight loss goals.

For some, it has been just a dream beyond reach; however through Kimkins, it's become more than just a dream, it's turned into belief and reality. When it comes to feeling better about oneself, there is nothing better than a success, and after years of dieting, many people are for the first time seeing real results that are fast and permanent.

You couldn't ask for any more than that.

For the more insider information on Kimkins and how it can HELP YOU to LOSE WEIGHT FAST, be sure to check it all out at the Kimkins Diet Review Blog or at

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Weight Loss - The 10 Rules Of Fat Loss Revealed

If you have been trying to lose weight, then you know it is a difficult thing to do. Trying to find the best fat loss plan can be even more difficult if you don't know what to look for.

Here is a list of the 10 rules of fat loss to give you help with weight loss. You can use these in figuring out if any diet or weight loss plan is a worthwhile program or not. They will also help you out in losing weight regardless of what type of diet you are on.

10 Rules Of Fat Loss

1. Break away from the 3 meals a day mentality. Begin to eat 4-6 smaller meals a day. It will keep your metabolism running high and burn more fat. Just be sure your meals are healthy and not full of carbs, sugars, etc.

2. Drink more water. I'm sure you have heard that said all the time, but it's true; water is great for your body and your health.

3. Slow down when eating. This is a biggie. The longer you take to chew your food the less you will eat. It also gives your stomach time to tell your brain that it's full.

4. Get some exercise. This is another rule for fat loss that I know you've heard before, but it works. Take the time to get some exercise even if it's only a 20 minute walk every other day.

5. Eat more of your meals at home instead of out. It is so easy to eat fast food or out at restaurants, but this type of eating doesn't mix with weight loss.

6. Cut down or all together out of sweets. Sugar will add on the weight even if the label says it is fat-free.

7. Try drinking green tea. Green tea has shown to have powerful antioxidants and can even help with fat loss.

8. Don't eat until you feel stuffed. Stop when you feel satisfied, even if it means there is still food on your plate. You can really put on extra weight by cleaning your plate only because you feel you have to.

9. Lighten up on the sauces, gravies and other condiments that contain lots of carbs, fats and sugars.

10. Out of the 10 rules of fat loss this is probably the most important one. Once you begin eating healthier and losing weight, keep it up. Don't let yourself fall back into the old habits or you can quickly gain it all back plus some.

These 10 rules of fat loss are a great way to lose weight and accelerate a weight loss program or diet plan.

By the way, you can learn more about the 10 Rules Of Fat Loss as well as much more information on weight loss on my blog at

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Weight Loss - The Difference Between Weight Loss And Fat Loss

A lot of people confuse losing weight with losing fat. When someone says "I want to lose weight" general what they actually mean is that they want to lose fat. You never hear anybody say that they want to lose their lean muscle, right? It is important to understand that there is a big difference between losing weight and losing fat and then to work toward losing fat instead.

Weight loss is a general term that can describe any type of weight that you lose from your body. This can include loss of muscle, loss of water weight or fat loss. A lot of times when people lose weight they actually just lose muscle mass and water weight, which doesn't give them the body that they want. Have you ever known someone who is what I like to refer to as "skinny fat?" This person may be very thin, but they still don't look good naked because despite their relatively small size they still have a high percentage of body fat.

Fat loss, on the other hand, specifically refers to losing fat from your body rather than lean muscle mass or water weight. When most people say they want to lose weight, what they really mean is that they want to lose fat. By losing fat, your body will become sleek and toned which is a much sexier look than being thin with a high body fat percentage. After all, your goal should not just be to be thin, but also to have a great body that you can be proud of .

One way to promote fat loss rather than weight loss is to work on strength training exercises that help you to build lean muscle. Muscle takes more energy for your body to maintain, meaning that the more muscle you have on your body the more calories your body will burn while you are just sitting around doing nothing, or even while you are sleeping. That doesn't mean that you need to "bulk up" or that you have to develop huge muscles. Instead, just doing light strength training exercises several days a week can help to promote fat loss.

Along with muscle building exercises, it is important to follow a diet that is geared toward fat loss rather than weight loss. Most of today's popular diets including low carb, low fat or starvation type diets do not promote fat loss. In fact, some of these diets can actually slow your metabolism down so the minute you go off them you pack any weight you may have lost right back on again. Instead of these types of diets, you need to eat a diet that gives your muscles enough energy while at the same time promoting fat loss.

To learn more about the types of diets that will help you to lose body fat rather than lean muscle or water weight while at the same time helping you to get a sleek, sexy physique, please visit

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Weight Loss - Will This Help Your Weight Loss?

Since you're reading this article I assume you are trying to lose weight. Read this article word for word and apply it. I must forewarn you; this article is a little lengthy.

In order to achieve successful weight loss you must have a purpose. It can't be a weak purpose like; I'm tired of being fat. It has to be something that will really make you stick to your plan. This purpose can't be a wish because a wish can be something that never comes true. Your purpose must be a burning desire within. This is very crucial to your weight loss success. Your absolute purpose will help you find the tools you need to be successful with your weight loss.

You have to get involved with a group of people who are on the exact same path as you. This doesn't have to be a group you meet with in the mall or coffee shop. This could be a group via the internet. You can talk in chat rooms, IM, or via email.

It is important that you push each other and give encouraging words when needed. Where you are weak, another person could be strong. Set some time aside so you can chat once a week. This will be very important throughout your weight loss journey. If you start a group, exude confidence and inspiration. Not only will this help the members, it will keep you going as well.

While you're going through your weight loss journey you must have a great attitude. I'm not saying you need to be ridiculously positive, but you have to keep your attitude straight. This is very important for your weight loss success. You can not have a horrible attitude towards losing weight and doing a lifestyle change. This will keep you at square one.

A horrible attitude will make your goals completely unreachable. Your stinky attitude will make you think every task will be difficult. You have to build a great mental attitude to achieve your weight loss goals. You have to see your weight loss program as mining for diamonds.

Another action that will prohibit success is self limiting beliefs. You have to develop a plan to get rid of your self limiting beliefs. How can you achieve total weight loss if you don't believe it? Your mind is very powerful and you have complete control over it.

You control what you want to believe and what you can and can not do. It should be your number one priority to learn how to reverse your self-limiting beliefs to totally believing in what you want to accomplish. Ask yourself the following questions. Do you believe you can lose weight? Do you think you can go the duration? Really think about those questions. Your beliefs will either move you forward or keep you at the same weight.

A great way to really keep going on a daily basis is the 195% Rule. I know you're probably thinking, what the heck is the 195% rule. This is how it works. Give 150% to successfully lose weight and keep it off. The 150% is your daily routine of eating right, exercising, keeping your mind fit, and reviewing your goals. The 45% is for the days when you wake-up feeling like blah.

You don't feel like exercising and eating right. This is where the 45% kicks in. You look at your 45% card and say, ok, this is the reason why I am doing this. I can't have two consecutive blah days. I have to use the 195% Rule today. You are doing what needs to be done without hesitation. This is the 195% Rule. There is more to it than that, but this is just a brief description.

Possessing self-discipline requires you to thoroughly evaluate your current abilities. It will determine your success as everything else I mentioned. It will help you think and question everything before you put it in action. It will help you with your emotions that may cause you to eat unnecessarily.

People are so quick to say I don't have any self-discipline. You are telling yourself you don't have any self discipline. The truth is we all have self-discipline. We just don't know how to use it properly in the area of weight loss and lifestyle change. This should be one of your goals besides weight loss.

I truly believe your thinking is the answer to weight loss. Our minds are very powerful and I'm not talking about super hero fantasy stuff. Your mind must be completely aligned up with doing a lifestyle change. Your thoughts must not be of failure and eating. Your thoughts must be on your ultimate weight goal. I am not saying you need to become obsessed with weight loss, but you need to keep it in your mind. You always need to know what you are striving towards. Your ultimate goal must always be in your mind.

Your mind will take in anything that you constantly think about. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad. Whatever you constantly and consistently think about will normally transpire in your life. So, if you constantly thinking you will never lose weight then you won't.

The last topic I want to discuss is eating. You're probably mumbling, this is the last thing I want hear. Please end the article now! Don't worry, I will not be cruel.

You must learn that food is not your friend. It's not your security blanket or your therapist. I know that all of that sounds funny, but it's the truth. Eating pretty much boils down to change and control. You have to learn to control how much you eat and what you eat. You have to see food in a different manner and not something that makes you feel good like a massage. It is for nourishment and nothing more.

Utilize what I discussed in this article. Don't just read it and say, ok. Put it into action today. Don't wait another minute or until the following Monday to start. Do it now.

Ashton Timmons specializes in coaching people how to really lose weight without all the nonsense, hype, or fluff. Her main goal is to help you experience success. Discover additional strategies and pick-up a free mp3 audio at

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Weight Loss - Herbal Weight Loss

The weight loss patches use various natural herbal ingredients, which naturally help the body to lose weight. The fact is that hoodia in its natural state might actually work as a decent appetite suppressant (although that doesn't necessarily mean it will help with permanent weight loss). Here are some helpful tips to healthy, natural weight loss: Eat small meals and eat frequently. Three meals a day may be what you're used to eating - but that is not the way to lose those extra pounds.

Natural compounds, synthetic drugs, local anesthetics, and vitamins may be injected; these are thought to dissolve underlying fat and thereby cause weight loss. This type of natural supplementation has been shown to promote weight loss by increasing satiety, leading to fewer calories being consumed at meals, and suppressing appetite. Problems that can occur with hormonal Imbalance:

? Hot flashes
? Mood swings
? Weight gain
? Night sweats
? Bloating
? Headaches
? Loss of energy/sex drive
? Uterine fibroids
? Hypoglycemia
? Endometriosis
? Fatigue
? Irritability

Why Studies on Natural Progesterone are Not Available to Doctors. The primary reason so few studies have been performed on natural progesterone is lack of financial interest.

You might want to add a combination of natural foods and pills to your weight loss regimen. Eating complex carbohydrates help increase and control energy levels; aids weight loss, and controls and encourage a natural appetite. So if you want some natural weight loss help, look to the type of food your are eating and the type of exercise you are doing, if any.

5-HTP is extracted from the seed of an African plant called Griffonia simplicifolia and it's a natural supplement for weight loss and for other disorders in your body. Natural Supplements for Weight Loss Weight loss supplements such as herbal formulas, are plant extracts to help suppress appetite and sugar cravings while increasing the bodies metabolism to burn unwanted body fat. Take a moment to consider each one, as some are subtle and at first glance may appear to have no relation to being menopause symptoms:

1 - Aching joints and muscles
2 - Allergy symptoms
3 - Breast tenderness
4 - Chronic fatigue and morning sluggishness
5 - Cold or tingling hands or feet
6 - Craving sweets, caffeine, carbohydrates with unstable blood sugar levels
7 - Depression, anxiety and mood swings
8 - Dizziness, lightheadedness
9 - Dry, thin or wrinkly skin
10 - Endometriosis
11 - Facial hair growth
12 - Fibrocystic breasts
13 - Hair loss, thinning hair
14 - Headaches, migraines
15 - Heart palpitations
16 - Heavy or light periods
17 - Hot flashes
18 - Incontinence
19 - Irregular periods
20 - Irritability, inability to handle stress
21 - Lack of concentration, foggy fuzzy thinking, memory lapses
22 - Leg cramps
23 - Low metabolism
24 - Lower sex drive, loss of sex drive
25 - PMS and menstrual cramping
26 - Night sweats
27 - Osteoporosis
28 - Ringing or buzzing in ears (tinnitus)
29 - Sleep disturbances, insomnia
30 - Spotting, light bleeding
31 - Symptoms of hypothyroidism with normal T3 and T4 levels
32 - Urinary tract and yeast infections
33 - Uterine fibroids
34 - Water retention and unexplained weight gain, especially in hips, waist and stomach.

Menopause is a natural process for a woman, not an illness.

Guy Katir

Are you tired of those Diet plans that you've been doing but still no results? Then discover our new way of slimming, without dieting!

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Weight Loss - 1 Weight Loss Key Is Proven to Help You Lose 20 Pounds in 1 Month the Healthy Way

How can you lose 20 pounds in 1 month without sacrificing your health on pills, fad diets or surgery?

Right away I can hear some wise guy saying "just stop eating"...That is one possibility. But I definitely don't recommend it! And would you believe that if you stopped eating right now you still wouldn't lose weight as fast as with what I am about to share?

Nearly 100% of all weight loss methods produce results that are shaky to say the least. Why? Because they do not focus on the cause of your weight problem. Contrary to popular belief, most people are not obese because they over-eat, they are because they are under-nourished. The only reason that you are overweight is because you have not given your body what it needs...

Now I realize that this idea seems far-fetched...But if you want to lose weight at lightning speed you can't afford to miss the following statement - Giving your body what it needs in the form of highly nourishing food will cause you to lose substantial weight in a very short amount of time.

How much weight? As much as you want. I know people who have lost 20 pounds in 1 month with very little struggle by applying four simple things... Eating dynamite food is among the most important!

Think about it...Most overweight people consume a diet consisting of mostly empty calories...Fast food, soda, and nearly any food that comes in a box that you purchase off the super market shelf. These are calories that your body hates. So what does it do? It stores them as fat.

What would happen if you only ate foods that your body loved? It would stop producing more fat! Therein lies the key to fast weight loss. What happened to that puddle of water on your driveway once it stopped raining? It evaporated! Turn the rain off and the water goes away...Turn the fat producing food off and the fat will disappear!

Why is this so exciting?

Because it takes all of the confusion out of weight loss!

Simply consume highly nourishing food each and every day and you will lose weight and lose it quickly!

So there is one question left?

What is the most nourishing, best weight loss food that you can consume?

I'll give you a hint...It is nothing that can be produced by the hands of man...In fact, man does nothing but completely mess it up!

Jason Clemens is a leading weight loss and nutrition expert.
"Learn how you can Achieve Your Sexiest Weight and Never Gain 1 Pound Back with the best dynamite food and the other 3 keys - Absolutely Guaranteed!"

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Weight Loss - Weight Loss Cardio Workout - Beginning

What do you want to achieve with cardio? Burn fat, tone and firm body, increase metabolism, prolong life and even achieve incredible weight loss results. Everything and more will be demonstrated in these weight loss cardio workout article series to prove you with the absolute best tips, tricks and secrets for the ultimate fat burning and weight loss cardio.

In this five section series we will discuss the following topics that are needed for creating your every own weight loss cardio workout. The sections are:

1) Beginning
2) Myths
3) Exercises
4) Fat Burn Zone

So let's begin!

Cardiovascular exercise is as important as any other component of health and fitness and could be the determining factor behind weight loss, health disease, having more energy, eating healthier and much more.

Whether you are a die hard or anti-cardio person regular amounts of cardiovascular activity is needed for many aspects of your health. Learning what works for you and what you enjoy are two of the biggest factors when implementing anaerobic exercise into your life if you want to maintain for long-term. Depending on your goals and body type will determine the amount, intensity and which exercise you use for the best weight loss cardio workout.

For example if you are a so-called "hard gainer" than cardio exercise will be held at a minimum of 1 to 2 times a week of 20 minute sessions. On the other hand if you gain weight easily than you will benefit from doing cardio exercise 3 or more time a week of 20 to 40 minute sessions. Everything is determined by what body type you are and what are you seeking to achieve by doing cardio.

So what are the things you need to know before you begin exercising?

Weight Loss Cardio Workout Question #1:

What results and goals do you want to achieve?

When determining the reason for cardio it gives you a much wider perspective and more options for implementing exercise into your daily schedule. If you are in search of improving your health than cardio exercise can be as easy as taking a walk or riding a bike through the park on the weekends. If you are looking for more weight loss and toning and firming your body than higher intensities and longer sessions are needed.

Knowing what you want is the absolute first things to determine as if you don't know what you want you won't know how to achieve it. Knowing your goals and what you want to achieve is creating a vision and without a vision accomplishing anything is a difficult road. So, if you want to achieve weight loss and improve your fitness level than incorporate longer, harder and frequent cardio into your daily life.

Weight Loss Cardio Workout Question #2:

What exercise do you most enjoy and that gives you the best results?

There is no secret, magic equipment or training technique that will give you amazing results like seen on tv. The truth is continuous and progressive exercise that makes enjoying exercise while getting the best results the key to the perfect exercise for you.

If you are one of those people that love the great outdoors than guest where you should run? Outdoors! There are so many activities to do outside like hiking, swimming, running, biking, playing sports, etc. that all benefit for cardio exercise. Or, are you the person that loves going to the gym and using all the different equipment while socializing with others that always makes the time go by faster. In the gym there are so many options like treadmill, stair climber, elliptical glider, lap swim, basketball, racquet ball and much more for exercise. Whether you want to exercise outside or inside all the opportunities are there for you and waiting for you to decide which one affects you the best while enjoying exercising.

Weight Loss Cardio Workout Question #3:

What is your commitment level to cardio exercise?

Last thing to ask yourself is what is my commitment level and how much time and energy do I want to put into bettering my health and life. Some people are die hard fitness fanatics that exercise twice a day or on the other hand there are people that squeeze exercise in the little time that they have with their busy schedule. So what is your commitment level and what things are you willing to do to accomplish your desired weight loss goals.

Ask yourself how many times I am going to workout, how long are my sessions going to be and at what intensity am I going to do my cardio exercise at. Determine your commitment level and stick with it as real and lifetime weight loss is not a 4 month program but a lifestyle of exercise and eating healthy.


When you are finished answering or at least done looking over these questions than you are ready to begin creating your very own weight loss cardio workout. One of the most important things to do is track your progress to learn what works and what is less beneficial for your time and energy. It is crucial that you remember no two people are the same and that results will vary from person to person so find what works best for you. Learn it, live it and love it.

Have a great day and God bless!

Jared Wash is an author with certifications by ACSM, NESTA, and ISSA in personal trainer, nutritionist, and online fitness coaching for weight loss. His mission with top weight loss site is to guide people away from false lies and myths in the fitness industry while focusing on true health and weight loss cardio workout methods.

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Weight Loss - The Best Fat Loss Workout- Lose Fat Fast

Cardio exercise is not the fastest fat loss workout. In fact, in my weight loss workouts, we don't use cardio at all. Instead, we focus on strength training to get more results in less time. Here's how...

In order to lose fat fast, you need to choose the best exercises. Surprisingly, cardio is not the best. Not even close. Cardio just takes too much time and doesn't deliver a better body. You are better off doing strength training to sculpt your muscles, and interval training to burn the fat. Fat burning is a misunderstood process. It doesn't just happen during your workout. It happens all the you need to boost your metabolism with strength and intervals to rev your body's metabolism and burn fat all the time.

Here's how to do the best, and fastest, fat loss workout.

First, we want to start with our time-saving general warmup. We use bodyweight exercises to improve mobility, and better prepare the muscles and the joints of the body for total body training than an inefficient warm-up method such as "walking on the treadmill".

We'll need to pick at least two exercises to train as many muscles as possible. I always choose a squat variation and a pushup variation - but rarely do I use just the basics. Do each exercise for about 10 reps, without resting between each, and then repeat 2-3 times. That takes 3-5 minutes.

Now we move on to the strength training portion, doing 2-3 supersets of multi-muscle movements. We also do 2 specific warmup sets for the exercises in superset #1.

Here's how a workout might go...

Superset #1
1A) Squat exercise (8 reps)

move without rest to...
1B) Rowing exercise (8 reps)

Rest 1 minute and repeat the superset 2 more times.

2A) Hamstring focused exercise (8 reps)

move without rest to...
2B) Pressing exercise (8 reps)

Rest 1 minute and repeat the superset 2 more times.

If you are really rushed for time, that's all the strength training needed. If you have extra time, you can add a third superset for torso training, more leg work, or more upper body work. Depends on what you need.

Then we finish with interval training. A full interval training workout needs about 18 minutes. Five minutes for warm-up, 6 intervals of 30-60 seconds alternating with 60-90 seconds of low-intensity activity. Finish with a 5-minute cool-down and stretch the tight muscle groups only.

All done in 45 minutes. Do these workouts on 3 times per week.

Making more time for other things in life,

Craig Ballantyne, MS, CSCS,
Burn Fat and Build Muscle with Fast Exercise Programs

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

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Weight Loss - Ab Exercises Do Not Get Rid Of Belly Fat

People constantly search the web for the magic to get rid of stubborn belly fat. Fitness forums are loaded with the questions and the replies. The response most often is a particular ab exercise routine or piece of equipment. Unfortunately, the magic routine or apparatus often recommended doesn't work.

If these actually worked, why would so many people still be in search of the elusive answer? Let's face it, the models using the equipment and demonstrating the routine did not get those six-pack abs from using the equipment. The models were picked because they already had the abs.

So how did they get those sexy stomachs?

For sure it is not from exercise alone. And the exercises most people are searching for are not the right types to help lose stubborn belly fat. There simply is no combination of abs exercises or complete workouts that will melt off that belly fat.

Ab workouts are good. They are just not designed to burn fat. The purpose of abs exercises is to tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles. The abs are there under the fat but if you want to see them you need to work on getting a full body workout. This increases the metabolic rate and increases the fat burning potential of your system.

Many experts stress cardio routines to achieve this, but again, cardio by itself is not the answer. What it takes is a complete, rounded program that works the whole body with resistance training and multi-joint high intensity exercises.

The real secret to burning that extra belly fat that hides the abdominals is regular full body, high intensity training combined with a healthy, nutrient rich balanced diet. Ab workouts by themselves even if they include specific ab exercises like crunches and leg raises will never make you lose your belly fat.

In spite of this, the majority of people trying to lose belly fat still keep doing their daily ab workouts using hundreds of reps. And the internet is full of people still handing out this bum advice in fitness forums. But it does not work! The "experts" did not get six-pack abs that way and neither will you.

I am not saying that you should ignore ab routines. Abdominal exercises are important. You need them to strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles and they are a major aid to your back. But you need to mix them into a complete workout routine to enjoy their full benefit. The fact is that ab exercises are not designed to burn fat and they never will.

The most important factors for weight loss in general and belly fat loss in particular are a full body resistance training routine and a healthy, balanced diet. Full body exercises will also work the abs and core muscles and melt the belly fat so you can see that six-pack of abs that you already have buried in there.

You can get a FREE copy of Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body by visiting the authors' blog. In this 65 page report you will discover all of the secrets you need to finally achieve six-pack abs and dump the belly fat.

Gerry Marsh is a successful author and publisher of several websites on self improvement including his blog at where you can discover other diet and weight loss tips.

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Weight Loss - What is a Body Wrap?

Initially, a body wrap was an application of Ace bandages or saran wrap that was tightly wrapped around the body to enable rapid weight loss through vasodilation. Now, a body wrap is much more likely to be a treatment where you're slathered with a body mask made of seaweed and potent botanical ingredients, and depending on the treatment, possibly wrapped afterwards to keep warm. Soon thereafter, the product is rinsed off or removed, and the body wrap usually ends with application of a lotion or followed up with some a maintenance lubricant of some type. This treatment is sometimes also referred to as a body mask or body treatment.

Body Wrap Benefits

Body wraps that use algae and detox treatments help rid the body of toxins through metabolic stimulation. Body wraps using moisturizing rich lotions are hydrating treatments geared towards softening and healing the skin. Body wraps utilizing other ingredients are typically formulated to aide in weight loss.

Body wraps often begin with exfoliation through dry brushing or a salt scrub. You are typically clothed in whatever you will eventually be wrapped in - often plastic of some type, but sometimes towels or sheets. I think the most enjoyable method is when a massage therapist does the body wrap, because they naturally incorporate massage techniques as they apply the product. (An esthetician, on the other hand, is just simply rubbing product on the skin.) Once the product is applied to the skin, you're wrapped to stay warm for usually 15-60 minutes. Often, the therapist will leave the room, but sometimes they will stay and continue the massage, if possible.

When the time is up, you're unwrapped and the body wrap is removed. For this reason, the wraps often take place in wet rooms, equipped with a shower or wet table. Its possible that you may either jump in the shower or the therapist will rinse you off with a handheld shower or a special rinse that feels fantastic. After that, you will dry off, and there's usually an application of lotion of some sort to moisturize your skin.

Cautionary Items

- Don't expect a body wrap to simply be a massage. You can get both treatments - a body wrap and a massage -- or look for signature treatments that include scrub, body wrap, massage, etc...

- If you have extremely sensitive skin, check with your therapist or esthetician before starting any wrap for an extended period of time.

- If you are looking for a fat/weight loss body wrap, these are often not available at your standard spa or salon.

If you are looking for a quick, effective, at-home, fat loss treatment, see: Body Wrap

B. Walsh is an expert in the body wrapping industry, and is a distributor of It Works! herbal body wraps nationwide.

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Weight Loss - Carb Cycling - The Fat Loss Plateau Buster

Ask someone you deem qualified what the best nutritional strategy to maximum fat loss is and you will get one answer. Ask another seemingly qualified individual the same question and chances are you will get a completely different answer. There are a few general constants you can expect to hear; for example, ensuring you are eating adequate amounts of protein and omega-3 fats. There is little argument there. However, the discrepancies arise when the subject of carbohydrate intake come up. Some will say high carbs are best, others say low carbs, and still others recommend something somewhere in the middle. The truth of the matter is that there really is no one best way of approaching fat loss. There are many different approaches that can, and have been, used successfully. The most important elements to successful fat loss are customizing a nutrition strategy to yourself, ensuring it's a plan you will adhere to, and adjusting your program based on your progress. Nutrition is not a cookie-cutter game and what works for one doesn't always work for another. With that said, let's take a closer look at this carbohydrate issue.

Truth be told, there are benefits to having a fair amount of carbs in your diet and there are benefits to keeping them low. So why not use both strategies? Rather than choosing one or the other, why not get the benefits of both by cycling your carbohydrate and caloric intake throughout the week? By cycling your carb intake you get the best of both worlds. Assuming you keep your protein and fat intakes relatively constant, and only manipulate your carb intake, you are automatically cycling calories as well. The first benefit to doing so is that it keeps your body from adapting to what you are doing. Your body will always try to adapt to what you're doing and the leaner you get, and the more you take your body away from its set point, the more your body will try to adjust its regulatory processes to halt your progress. This is just in part related to the regulatory hormone, leptin.

Leptin levels are related to things like insulin, your caloric intake and your current level of body fat. Think of it as one of the big "fat-loss decision makers". The leaner you are the lower your circulating levels of leptin are going to be. Under more normal circumstances, higher body fat, maintenance caloric intake, etc., leptin levels are higher. However, while on sub-maintenance calories, and particularly on low-carb diets where circulating insulin levels are low, leptin levels drop and they can drop quickly. Decreased leptin levels cause a cascade of other regulatory changes, namely a decrease in thyroid output and metabolic rate, as well as an increase in catabolic hormone activity and appetite. In an attempt to become more efficient, your body will try to adapt to make your newly lowered caloric intake its new maintenance intake; that is, it will make the necessary changes needed to do the same amount of work on less energy. Unfortunately, this usually means having to continuously lower calories to maintain fat-loss progress, which inevitably makes it very hard to hold onto all your hard-earned muscle. None of this sounds too good does it? There has to be a better way, and there is. Planned and structured days of high calories and high carbohydrates may help with this.

As previously mentioned, there are benefits to both low-carb intakes and to high-carb intakes. When carb intake is drastically reduced you create a temporarily greater caloric deficit. In addition, low-carb intakes result in decreased levels of circulating insulin, increased levels of the fat-burning catecholamines and therefore a much heightened rate of fat oxidation. Quite simply, when insulin levels are low, you create an environment in which fat is more likely to be used for energy. Low muscle glycogen, as a result of decreased carbohydrate intake, obviously results in depleted muscles, but there are benefits to this as well. Low muscle glycogen tends to promote a higher rate of free fatty acid burning. Result? More fat loss.

On the flip side however, most people do not enjoy eating few carbs for very long. While there are clearly benefits to doing so, there are other things that need to be considered. Chronic low-carb intake can actually impair insulin sensitivity and promote insulin resistance. As already noted, low-carb intakes result in overly flat, depleted muscles and gym performance typically suffers. Throw in a day of high carbs and your muscles fill out, you find yourself more vascular, your workouts are great, and you look and feel much better. There is also research to support the fact that these higher-carb/calorie days may stimulate leptin production, which as we already noted is an important player in the fat-loss game. Carbohydrates are also very protein sparing - meaning they prevent protein from being oxidized as fuel - which is of paramount importance when retaining all your hard-earned muscle is a priority.

In addition to the numerous physiological factors, there are psychological variables that need to be taken into consideration as well. How you feel on a diet is arguably just as important to your progress as any other variable. There are not too many people that enjoy looking flat and depleted all the time. And lets not forget one of the reasons most people can appreciate - carbohydrates simply taste good.

To recap, in order to take advantage of the benefits of both higher and lower carb intakes, we want to fluctuate our carb intake from high to low throughout the training week. The simplest way to set this is to just cycle your carbohydrates and calories according to your weekly training schedule. For example, assuming four workouts per week, you might have your high days on your two big workouts, medium days on your two easier workouts, and low days on your off days.

PRACTICAL STEPS There is no one best way to cycle carbs or calories. In fact, there are many, many different permutations that can be used successfully. Here is just one example that you could use as a template. Feel free to tweak it to suit your needs if necessary.

First off is caloric intake. Once you know the caloric total you are striving for, the simplest way to set up all the macros (protein, carbs, fat) for your medium day and then simply adjust carb intake to determine your high and low days. So, assume the medium day is a standard dieting day. As an aside, but a valuable note to keep in mind, there are many different calorie equations you can use - however be aware that they all have the potential to be off by as much as 20%. So for the sake of simplicity you could just assume maintenance to be approximately 15x total bodyweight and subtract 20-25% to create a healthy caloric deficit. Remember, if you are not progressing based on your caloric intake, simply adjust it up or down until progress resumes. Next up is protein. I am sure we are all in agreement that we need to eat sufficient amounts of protein when trying to lose fat and maintain muscle, so set it anywhere from 1.0-1.5g/lb of bodyweight and split it up evenly throughout the day. You are going to have three carbohydrate intakes - one for high days, one for medium days, and one for low days. For your medium days, set your carbohydrate intake to 1.0g/lb of bodyweight. So now we know our calories, our protein and our carbs. All that remains is to figure out how much fat we're to eat. In this case, fat simply serves as a caloric ballast. Simply make up the rest of your calories from fat. Your protein and fat intake from these days will stay constant throughout all three days. On your high carb days, set your carb intake at 2.0g/lb of bodyweight and finally for your low days it is going to be minimal as you're only eating fibrous vegetables; no starch type carbs at all.

Remember the truth of the matter is that there is no one best method for fat loss. Carbohydrate and calorie cycling is just one logical and effective way of approaching it. Many who opt for this kind of approach find it very easy to follow as you get a few days a week where you get to eat some fun carbs, and like I said, who doesn't like eating carbs?

Erik Ledin, B.Kin, CSCS, CISSN, is the President of Lean Bodies Consulting Inc., an online consulting firm that reaches globally and specializes in physique contest preparation, fat loss, nutrition and overall physical enhancement. He can be reached at

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Weight Loss - 3 Reasons You Should Try The South Beach Diet

Ultra restrictive low carb - high protein diets like the Atkins or Scarsdale diets are destined to fail.

Why is this? The mechanics of these no or low carb high protein diets technically work but they fail to understand a dieters long term motivation plays a critical role in the success of any diet. Does this situation sound familiar? You vow to lose weight - "I'm gonna do it this time!" you say to yourself. People can see the diet motivation in your eyes and hear it in your voice.

You start the Atkins plan and follow it to the letter... you are truly focused. Perhaps you talk about what you ate, day in day out, to others as well as how you're feeling as a result of the new diet. You are focused and feeling successful with your new diet approach.

It seems to be working. You notice the weight loss after a few weeks. You look different; your clothes feel looser as you melt away the fat. Success!

Skip ahead 3-5 months.

Most of the weight you forced off when you were strictly adhering to the 'all protein' Atkins diet is back!

It seemed to be working for you but what happened? Where's the stealth motivation that you had when you began the diet? Why the successful early weight loss followed by this creeping failure? The truth is, a diet that requires you to be on HIGH ALERT all the time is a set up for failure or short term success at best. Most of us do not live our lives in a state of continued attention and scrutiny when it comes to eating habits. We'd like to but don't, it's too complicated.

Sure, the Atkins plan works for a while but soon it psyches most dieters out. There are too many NEVERS. No bread, no desert, no rice, no potatoes. Etc. You are fighting some of the strongest biological drives within your body. And you shouldn't have to.

The South Beach Diet is a much more flexible, effective and long-term approach to losing weight.

Here are 3 reasons The South Beach Diet is a great choice for a low carb high protein weight loss concept.

It Changes you into a Fat Burning Machine Instead of a Carb Burning Machine

Since you eat only carbs that are very low on the glycemic scale your body starts burning fats instead of empty sugar and carbs.

South Beach Diet Destroys Carb Cravings

Not wanting to eat bad food is critical and the South Beach Diet does that. By weaning you off of high glycemic foods you slowly crave less and less of the bad carbs. After 3 weeks you should have minimal desire for any junk food. This is because your body no longer experiences the insulin spike brought on by most empty carbs. Insulin spikes are followed by CRAVINGS... usually more CARBS!

The South Beach Diet Works Long term

This diet is a lifestyle that is far less restrictive than Atkins or Scarsdale. You never count calories and can eat many foods that you like. You needn't be on high alert ALL THE TIME.

You simply follow the guidelines of the diet and you will gradually lose weight because you are not eating BAD CARBS, and the best part is you really don't CRAVE them. Instead of being in a diet prison by adhering to the Atkins or Scarsdale diets by force, the South Beach diet gets to the root cause of eliminating food cravings, dieting is more natural.

Why not learn more about the South Beach diet if you want to change your weight and the way you look? There are thousands of testimonials all over the Internet and even documented studies supporting the South Beach diet as a valid weight loss method.

Alyssa Collins RN and Certified trainer, has been contributing her knowledge exclusively to for the last 6 months, thanks Alyssa!

Visit for more information on losing weight the healthy way and find out more about the: South beach Diet.

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Weight Loss - 4 Successful Free Quick Weight Loss Diet Tips

The weight of a heavy person usually affects him or her in a lot of ways. Other than physical appearance, the weight can have an indirect impact on the quality of life, self confidence, mental health, and other physical constraints.

Assuming you are serious about losing weight, you then qualify as a good candidate to apply those quick weight loss tips shared here. Losing weight successfully requires your mindset to be fixated on your quick weight loss plan and goal, no matter which route you have chosen. Plans do work but only if we work on them. Ask yourself what are the reasons for you wanting to lose weight. Make sure they are motivating enough. Think of the worst case scenario should you fail; the ugly stares at your fat tummy, not feeling confident when approaching the girl/guy you wish to date? The purpose of this whole exercise is to condition your thinking. Ok, once you have found the strong reasons to lose weight, you are one step ahead of many others.

1. Listen to your body
One of the best things you can do for your body is to move it. A balance of cardio activities and resistance training will:

  • Boost your metabolism
  • Allow your body to burn more calories
  • Create a leaner look
  • Prevent sagging skin after weight loss
  • Increase your energy

If you don't already participate in weekly cardio and weight training activities, start small and gradually add to your time and intensity.

2. Choose Healthier Food
Exercise alone cannot help you lose weight. Also, choose healthier food every time you go to the supermarket such as fruits, green vegetables, low-fat dairy products, lean meat and fish. Stay away from food that are high in fat, calories and sugar such as high-fat dairy products, chicken with skin, fatty meat, lard, desserts and pastries. Avoid "junk' food at all costs meaning you'll have to let go of that favorite burger or pizza. They should never feature in your quick weight loss diet tips.

3. Drink plenty of water
Make a habit of taking a drink of water on a regular basis. You should strive for at least six to eight glasses of water a day to keep the body replenished. Since a quick weight loss program depends on how the body gets rid of body wastes, your body should stay hydrated always.

4. Have faith
If you don't believe that you can lose weight fast, you never will. What we can achieve is often limited by what we believe we can achieve. Other people have managed to lose weight fast and so can you.

These are some of the free quick weight loss diet tips that can help you get started with your quick weight loss goal. These may seem difficult to follow, but with discipline and determination on your part, you can achieve your goal and be happy with the final result.

For more information about quick weight loss diet, please visit to Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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Weight Loss - Are You Ready For Fast Weight Loss?

Fast weight loss is something that everybody wants to achieve regardless of how much weight needs to be lost. However, while fast weight loss is possible, be discerning with regards to the methods and products that are available for you to use. Because of the great demand for weight loss products, the industry has grown so much in the years that have passed. However, along with the growth of effective products, came as well the growth of those interested only in making money out of the demands of the industry.

Informed choices

There are different weight loss products you can use, the most popular being weight loss supplements. Weight loss supplements by themselves offer a wide variety of products. There are those made to increase your body's metabolism. There are those touting to suppress appetite, while there are still some who pride themselves in being able to combine multiple effects, leading to even more effective weight loss. Whatever product you choose, be cautious because weight loss supplements don't need FDA approval before they are released into the market. The FDA helps safeguard your health by providing you instead with a list of approved ingredients. So before you make a purchase, look up the ingredients of a weight loss supplement, and counter-check it with the list of FDA-approved ingredients. This will help ensure that the product is safe for you to use, increasing your chances of fast weight loss.

Consult with your doctor

Take note, most especially if you are suffering from any health condition, that it is highly advised that you consult first with your doctor before using any method or product. While safe, in general, not all methods or products affect everybody in the same way. Consulting with your doctor will help ensure that you use one that is attuned to your body, helping guarantee fast weight loss for you.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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Weight Loss - Hypothyroidism And Weight Loss

Weight loss. I don't think there's anyone that would disagree that weight loss is a term gets thrown around an awful lot. You can't open up just about any magazine without finding those two words put together; it might be on the cover with a bold claim like "lose weight fast"! Or "drop those pounds and get your beach body in shape", or my personal favorite "foolproof system to have you back in shape in weeks". Anyone reading this will know that sometimes it is just not that easy. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of different weight loss programmes on the market, and I am certainly not saying that they are all fake. You will find endless testimonials from people because of the simple fact that some of them do work.

This article however is looking at a different cause for those unwanted pounds. Some of you may have heard of the disease called hypothyroidism, which can affect the body in many different ways, and be the cause of a number of different symptoms. One of those symptoms, and the reason for this article, is the inability to lose weight, and also unexpected or unwanted rapid weight gain. Soon we will look at some of the other symptoms of hypothyroidism as well as looking in a bit more detail about what it actually is, but firstly I would just like to point out that while hypothyroidism affects a lot of people, it will not always be what is stopping you from getting to your ideal weight.

Drugs, for example can cause weight gain in some people, either firsthand by having a direct effect on the body, or second-hand by resulting in cravings. It would also be irresponsible not to point out that the things you eat have a direct impact on how your body operates. Naturally this means that whether you are hypothyroid or not generally the more junk you eat the more weight you will put on. Unfortunately also in action can be the cause of either putting on weight, or not being able to lose it. Food is much more powerful than any drugs or medication providing that you don't have a deficiency in the body which is the root cause of the problem. If you are suffering from hypothyroidism or even suspecting that you might be, then it would be best to have a look at some of the symptoms you may be experiencing.

Hypothyroidism is something that can be extremely hard even for a doctor to diagnose. The main reason for this is that many, if not all of the symptoms can be attributed to other diseases. One of the main symptoms, as discussed is the inability to lose weight or sudden unexpected weight gain but it is certainly not limited to this. Some of the other common symptoms, can include very little or no tolerance to the cold, stiffness and/or cramping in the muscles and joints, hair loss, decreased sex drive, and it has even been known to quite frequently cause depression. I do understand however that depression and weight loss are two things that can go hand in hand, feeding off each other.

It is thought that at least 25 million people in America alone are currently suffering from hypothyroidism. It does seem that more women than men are affected by it, although anyone can be affected, even the family dog. Like many diseases it is hereditary, meaning that if anyone in a family has suffered from it before then potentially you too could be at risk.

If you are having problems losing weight and you believe that your thyroid may be the reason, there is an all natural herbal supplement called Thyromine which is available to help you now that you are the most in need. For a lot of people Thyromine is a crucial part of the weight loss battle. Just like eating all natural foods is important, taking an all natural supplement can be quite beneficial to the body as well. If you believe you may be hypothyroid then I would definitely point this out to your doctor, and if so I would encourage you to find out more in formation about Thyromine to see if it is something that may be of benefit to you.

Steve Simpson is a website creator and reviewer that focuses on helping people. His latest website explains in more detail about Thyromine, what it is and exactly how you can get it. You can go there now to do your own thyromine review

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Weight Loss - The Only Rapid Fat Loss Diet You Will Ever Need

While it is generally regarded that consistent weight loss of 2-3 pounds per week is the safest and the easiest to sustain, there are a number of reasons why you might want to push the envelope and embark on a rapid fat loss diet. Perhaps you have a class reunion approaching, or your friends surprised you with a trip to Cancun in two weeks. Or maybe, for psychological reasons, you need to see some quick results before you settle into a more conventional nutritional program. Regardless, there are no shortages of "starvation" or "crash" diets, supplements, and a million other items being peddled to people in your position. Let's talk about the problem with traditional starvation diets and then we will go over a rapid fat loss diet which is admittedly difficult, but which will also reveal astonishing results in just a few weeks.

Have you ever tried to lose weight by starving yourself with the "Grapefruit Diet", or the "Cabbage Soup Diet", or any of its myriad clones? If you have, you will probably recognize the problems with these diets. The first week, you will most likely lose a lot of weight. Perhaps even a pound per day. By day 7 you step on the scale and you're down 7 pounds! You tell all your friends about the diet and this is how the fad continues. However, during the second week the weight loss slows down, you are having painful cravings, you feel ill and foggy headed and unable to work. Worst of all, the weight loss has come to a standstill. So, you think to yourself "well ten pounds isn't so bad, I'll just end the diet now", and what do you know? Within a few days you rebound right back to your original weight or perhaps you even picked up a couple more pounds as a "souvenir" from your trip down starvation lane!

Here is an important point, and if you can remember this, you will never fall for another starvation diet again: Your body holds between 5-10 pounds of water underneath the skin. When you go on a starvation diet you are only losing water! The minute you start eating normally the weight will come back, and since your metabolism has likely slowed down from malnutrition, it is very likely you will gain a couple "souvenir" pounds as a reminder of your horrible experience!

When designing the ideal rapid fat loss diet we need to take the above into consideration and take advantage of the millions of dollars of research poured into nutritional science each year. I will warn you: This diet is not easy. But, on the upside, it is easier than gulping cabbage soup all day long and it is the most effective rapid fat loss diet that has been published to this day. Here are some of the advantages of this rapid fat loss diet:

  • It includes fiber. This is important for the health of your digestive system and cholesterol. It is woefully lacking from most rapid fat loss diets.
  • Sufficient calories. You will be in a caloric deficit, but the total number of calories are double than most "starvation diets" and the results will be much better because they are the right kind of calories.
  • Timed carbs. By eliminating carbs you will spare muscle and burn fat quickly. However, if you were to cut carbs out altogether you would quickly plateau. It is important to shake things up regularly, and for this reason you will consume carbs at the right times. After workouts and once per week in the mornings, when insulin response is greatest.
  • Healthy fats. The diet includes health fats which help with energy, strengthen immune system, increase oxygen uptake, and so many other benefits we don't have space to list them all.

Here is your shopping list:

  • High Quality Protein Powder (Make sure it is isolate, buy a two pound bottle so you aren't stuck with a taste you don't like). If you like fruity flavors than I recommend Syntrax Nectar.
  • Shaker bottles. You will find these at a sports supplement store when you purchase the protein powder.
  • Milled Flax Seeds. These provide your fiber and some of your EFAs. Purchase these at a local health food store or online.
  • Udo's Oil Capsules. This will provide you with the all-important EFAs. Available at any health food store.
  • Oatmeal.
  • One of the following: Raisins, blueberries, blackberries.
  • Grape Juice (Optional, see below)

Take your ideal weight and divide by 30. Round this number down and this is the number of protein shakes you will be drinking throughout the day. Include the flax seeds with each shake and take two of the Udo's capsules with each shake. You will be mixing the powder with water only, and ice if you prefer. You can mix the shakes ahead of time and take them to work with you. It is very important to drink them regularly throughout the day and never go longer than three hours without a shake.

Pick one day per week for your carb meal. On this day, you will substitute a bowl of oatmeal and your chosen fruit for the morning protein shake.

If you work out intensely, you can include one 8oz glass of grape juice after a weights workout three days per week. Otherwise, the weekly oatmeal will be your only carb source.

After following the above rapid fat loss diet, and including the RFB training routine, many people have reported losing up to 30 pounds in 28 days. Of course, we know that some of this is water (5-10 pounds), but since calorie consumption is sufficient you will avoid the negative side effects of starvation diets, and most importantly, your will results will be long lasting.

The rapid fat loss diet is not complete without the RFB training routine. This routine takes only 12 minutes per day and is available on Matt Barlow's website here:

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Weight Loss - Detoxify For Weight Loss Fitness

One of the things you have to give importance to with regards to weight loss fitness is to detoxify your body. Over time, bad eating habits, even with relatively good ones, can cause toxins to build up in your body. This toxin build-up is caused by substances primarily found in the foods you eat, although the environment conditions can be a factor as well. With toxins building up in your body, your body processes slow down. The slowing down of the processes in your body will greatly affect your weight loss fitness progress.


There are a lot of detoxification methods you can choose from, depending on how aggressive you want the process to be. However, the simplest and easiest way you can do is to eat more fruits and vegetables. Aside from furnishing your body with essential nutrients to aid function, fruits and vegetables contain fiber. Fiber helps detoxify your body by sweeping through your digestive tract and picking up toxins to be eliminated through your bowels. Aside from detoxification, fiber also helps you feel full faster so you don't end up eating a lot of food, which can affect your weight loss fitness in general.

Drink water for weight loss

Drinking enough water helps your body to function better. It aids in detoxification by complementing the actions that fiber has on the digestive tract and by helping the kidneys to clean out the blood of toxins. Without enough water, fiber merely hardens and may block normal bowel movement. Without enough water, the kidneys cannot work and be put to work. Kidneys need water to function and function because of water. When the kidneys can't function to full capacity, they pass off part of the job of cleaning the body to the liver. However, the liver's main function is to metabolize fat. If the liver has to deal with cleaning the bloodstream as well, then it's ability to metabolize fat is halved, slowing down the body's weight loss fitness process.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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Weight Loss - Is Fat Loss Truly Important?

Are you happy with your weight? If so, you may be in the minority. If not you are probably looking for ways to experience real fat loss, not simply weight loss. Fat loss means more than just weight loss. Quick weight loss can be attributed to water loss. Real weight loss is when you lose fat and change your whole lifestyle with a more healthy diet and exercise. Many people who are overweight say that they are happy with their bodies, but the fact remains that weight loss in order to achieve a healthy weight is very important. There are a number of reasons you should consider weight loss, even if you don't mind having a few extra pounds.

There are many things to consider if you are overweight, mostly that you are at risk for a number of diseases. The main health risk you will probably experience is heart disease, which can lead to a heart attack. Many heart attacks are deadly. Heart disease develops when you heart has to work extra hard to pump the blood to the body, which causes it to become fatigued. This can occur simply because you are carrying extra fat, or can be a result of high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

Another reason to strive for fat loss is heart disease. High blood pressure and high cholesterol levels can also put you at risk for a stroke, which occurs when blood, and therefore oxygen, cannot reach the brain. This can happen due to high cholesterol. When you have high cholesterol, the fatty deposits build up on your artery walls. If a piece of this plaque breaks off and travels to the heart, it causes a heart attack, and traveling to the brain causes a stroke.

Fat loss is also important for women who wish to become pregnant. When you're overweight, the hormones in your body are changing, and if you don't get the right nutrients you may find that your body does not produce the right chemicals for the hormones needed to ovulate or carry a child. Even if you become pregnant, being overweight puts you at risk for a miscarriage or health problems with the baby. True fat loss will increase your chances for a healthy pregnancy.

Besides being healthy, being overweight can also affect your daily life. Without fat loss you may find it difficult to purchase clothing in your size or you may find that the clothing that does come in larger sizes is more expensive. This is simply due to the manufacturers need for more material to make the same article of clothing. Problems extend beyond shopping when doing things like visiting theme parks, where you may not be able to ride all of the rides, or using public transportation, where you may feel crowded in seats made for smaller people. Fat loss, even if you are currently happy with your own weight, is always a healthy and smart option. It is truly in your own best interest.

Discover why Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the best diet on the internet!

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