Monday, November 12, 2007

Weight Loss - Diet Boot Camp

Searching for the ultimate diet boot camp? There are many boot camp diets to choose from, each one promising that you will lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time. So which one should you choose? Here is a review of several different boot camp diets:

Low-carbohydrate diets: By drastically reducing the amount of carbohydrates from your diet to 20 to 30 grams per day, your body will go into a state of induced weight loss, in which you can lose as few as 10 to as many as 30 pounds in the span of 2 to 3 weeks.

Pros: You can eat as much protein and fat as you want on this diet. Your craving for sugars diminishes within a couple of days.

Cons: You have to say goodbye to breads, pasts, fruits, and any food that contains carbohydrates in it that would cause you to exceed a daily allotment of 20 to 30 carbohydrate grams in one day.

Some examples of this type of diet are the Atkins Diet and the Protein Power Diet.

Low-calorie diets: By drastically reducing the number of calories from your diet to be a few approximately 500 to 1000 less than what your body typically requires in order to maintain its present weight, you body will lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. If you cut out even more than that, you may lose weight faster but that is tantamount to starvation.

Pros: You can eat any foods you want without having to cut out a specific food group. You are not training your body to make smart food choices because as you follow the diet, you will come to know that you can eat more foods if you eat healthy, but if you eat unhealthy foods, you will end up busting your daily caloric limit to quickly.

Cons: You have to keep track of the calories you consume daily by looking up numbers, measuring portion sizes, and keeping track of everything you eat. If you take the slow approach, you will not lose weight very quickly. If you take the fast approach and literally go on a "starvation diet" of 1000 calories or less per day, then you will actually end up harming yourself rather than helping yourself, because you will be losing muscle and not just fat, your body will not be receiving enough essential nutrients to maintain your bodily functions. Plus, if your body goes into starvation mode, it will actually adjust your metabolism to compensate, and thus you will end up losing weight more slowly anyway, which defeats the purpose of your diet boot camp efforts.

One classic example of this type of diet is the Weight Watchers program.

Low-fat diets: Eating a low-fat diet may be healthy in terms of nutritional content, or the quality of the food you eat. But it does nothing to actually cause weight loss, since you can still theoretically eat the same number of calories even though you are following a low-fat diet program.

Pros: This is a healthy diet plan, because too much fat in your diet is definitely not a good thing.

Cons: This really doesn't result in weight loss, although it can indirectly contribute to it.

Sugar-free diets: Eating foods that contain low or no sugar, or which contain sugar-substitutes have absolutely no bearing on weight loss. Rather, these types of foods are intended for diabetics who would like to eat sweet foods but who cannot eat regular sugar.

Pros: This is a healthy diet plan, because too much sugar in your diet is definitely not a good thing.

Cons: This really doesn't result in weight loss, although it can indirectly contribute to it.

Calorie-shifting diets: Rather than reduce the amount of food you eat or the type of food you eat, you can achieve rapid weight loss simply by shifting the type of food you eat to different times of day and rotating these foods across several days. By doing so, you end up triggering a metabolic response that induces rapid fat loss., while eating as much food as you want to until you feel satisfied. You can lose as many as 9 pounds in 11 days on this diet plan.

Pros: You can eat from every food group on this diet. You will not have to cut out any types of foods from your diet. You can eat as much quantity of food as you like, until you are satisfied, but not too full. (If you become too full, your body has to go into overdrive to consume the excess food). You can take a three day break after every eleventh day on this diet before you resume the diet again. You must eat at least 4 complete meals daily.

Cons: You must follow a structured meal plan that gives you the flexibility in terms of what foods you can eat, but you can only eat from specific food groups at specific times of day. For example, if you are used to eating meat for dinner, on one of your 11 days you might be eating fruits with your dinner but no meat. You have to plan your meals out and be prepared, because you may be eating groups of different food groups together at different times of day than you are accustomed to.

The best known example of this type of diet is the Idiot Proof Fat Loss Diet.

Are you ready to lose weight. Would you be open to trying a new fat burning diet plan that is idiot-proof and less prone to sabotage? A diet that does not leave you feeling hungry, dissatisfied, or deprived of any foods is just what you need to try. Check out to see how you can lose 9 pounds in the next 11 days.

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