Monday, November 12, 2007

Weight Loss - Need Fat Loss Motivation? Enter a Fat Loss Competition

A great way to get and maintain fat loss motivation is to find a like minded partner. This serves a couple of purposes. One, it can spike the competitive spirit that we as human beings possess. Two, it can make working out a bit more fun.

When two or more people with the goal of fat loss in common start working out together, suddenly it doesn't seem so much like work. Don't underestimate the effect this can have on your training. However, you must be careful and not let your gym time turn into a gab session, get the workout done then enjoy each others company. Heck, grab a post-workout drink (Non-Alcoholic of Course) together and talk about your progress and plans regarding your goals, this too will help to reinforce your will to lose fat.

Now I could go on for quite a while outlying the benefits of this approach, but I think you get the idea. Here's a great way to incorporate the above, I use this with many of my clients with great success.

The Fat Loss Competition

1. Find a partner or two with the like minded goal of losing fat.

2. Set a start date and end date for the competition to take place in.

3. Outline some basic rules for the Fat Loss Competition (i.e weigh in on day x wearing only "x"clothing, measurements must be done with all parties present, etc...)

4. Pick up a Body Fat analyzer, either of the hand held variety or the combo scale/analyzer type. By keeping track of both body fat percentage and weight loss, you will have a more accurate picture of your progress. Remember, total weight lost is not indicative of fat lost, the analyzer will tell you this. Too many people get caught up in the scale weight and not the body composition, dont fall for this trap.

5. Now go lose fat & win the competition. Maybe you can set up a prize for the victor, like the loser must take the winner out to dinner (for a healthy meal of course), or the loser must wash the winners dirty gym clothes for a week, etc....this kind of healthy competition can make the difference in your quest for fat loss. Remember, fat loss doesn't have to be a grind, it can be fun. When you make a game of it, the whole idea of working out becomes associated with an enjoyable experience. This new found association can have tremendous effect psychologically and help give you the boost needed to get, maintain, and enjoy your new body.

Yours in Health,

Chris Smith
I.S.S.A Certified Personal Trainer

P.S. If you liked what you read here, be sure to visit me at Fat Loss for All where I provide advice, tips, and programs to help you succeed in the fat loss game. While there you can sign up for my FREE Newsletter, its like having a personal trainer in your Inbox.

Dont forget to get your FREE Fat Loss Report

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