Monday, November 12, 2007

Weight Loss - Lose Stomach Fat With A 7 Day Ultra Effective Fat Loss Plan!

How to lose stomach fat? Is that a question to wonder about or is it something you need to take action on?


Now that I have got the main part clear to you, let me provide you with a 7 day action plan to jump start your goal to get rid of belly fat fast. .

If you seriously want to lose stomach fat, plan yourself on a nutrition rich diet consisting of 2000 calories divided among 6 meals for the day. Each mean should contain a palm size lean protein and a cup of vegetables.

Day 1, you are going to do a very intensive training that will sweat the hell out of your workout. Choose 3 Upper Body and 3 Lower Body exercises with a compound effect;

- Pushups
- Squats
- Chin ups
- Lunges
- Decline Pushups
- Mountain Climber

8 Reps of Each exercise. No breakout in between exercises. After completing the whole circuit, do follow:

- 1 Minute Jumping Jacks
- 1 Minute Burpees

Repeat the entire thing from pushups to burpees for another 2 rounds.

You skip this section and you won't be able reduce all that belly fat the fast way.

Day 2: This is where HIIT comes in. In other words, High Intensive Interval Training, which is a super fast to blowtorch your body fat instead of slow boring cardio. HIIT is usually a 20 minute workout. Example;

Warmup: Walk at normal speed for 1 minute.

A. Walk an upward slope as fast as possible for 1 minute.
B. Walk back down at normal speed for 1 minute.

Repeat A and B for 20 minutes. DO NOT MISS THIS! This really is an effective method to lose stomach fat very fast.

Day 3 and 5: Repeat Day 1 workout.

Day 4 and 6: Repeat Day 2 workout.

Day 7: REST.

Remember, just because you want to lose stomach fat, that doesn't mean you work your body everyday like a maniac every single day and definitely doesn't mean you keep your body like that of a princess.

Workout and Rest are both very important. If you don't get enough rest, you are sure to fail in your goal to lose stomach fat.

In order to get the best off this whole 7 day workout plan, you need to follow everything I just said and you will never forget that week for the rest of your life.

If you don't take action now, you are going to stay depressed the rest of your life. So get your butt off the couch and TAKE ACTION...!

Remember, a car with a full tank will not burn fuel if it stays in one place, the harder the engine runs, the more fuel it burns..! But if it runs too long without a break, it will definitely get more and more weak.

Did you know that supersets will blow off your body fat like dust? If you are really serious about getting rid of belly fat, click the link below to get a more advance workout system.

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